Chapter No. 12
- Prem Kumar asks the question: „What is the name of Mumtaz Mahal’s father?“
- The show takes a commercial break: Because of knowing the first question of one billion Rupees by Ram (works as a guide for two years at the Taj Mahal), Prem Kumar changes the question: He does not want Ram to win (p. 304)
- The show continues and Kumar changes the final question to: „Beethoven’s Piano Sonata No. 29, Ops. 106: ‚Hammerton Sonata‘ is in which key?“
- Taking another commercial break Kumar and Ram go to the toilet, where Kumar asks Ram whether he knows the answer.
- Kumar thinks that Ram does not know the answer and tries to corrupt him with 1000 Rupees.
- Ram does not come to the show to win money, he comes to the show to get revenge on Prem, because Prem Kumar ruins Neelima and hurts Nita by beating her. (p. 307)
- Ram takes out a gun and points on Prem, but he „can’t kill a man with a cold heart“, (p. 309, l. 25). He remembers Maman and the experiences in his childhood and lowers the gun (p. 309, l. 22). Ram thinks about the money and his following possibilities.
- The quizshow continues: Ram takes the Half and Half lifeboat, there are the answers A and C. Ram decides to drop a coin, Heads A, Tails C
- The coin shows Head, so Ram took answer A, which was correct.
TIPP für Schüler: Zur Vorbereitung auf das Abitur oder für Klausuren kann ich diese Lektüre empfehlen; sie enthält professionelle Inhaltsangaben in Form einer Lehrerübersicht. Leicht verständliche Zusammenfassungen und Analysen enthält außerdem diese Lektüre. Vikas Swarups Buch Slumdog Millionaire ist ein Schwerpunktthema im Fach Englisch.
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