A poor, uneducated, young man by the name of Ram Mohammad Thomas enters a show called ‚Who Wants To Be A Billionaire‘ to win the grand prize so he could free his love, who is a prostitute. Suddenly, Ram gets arrested with speculation of him cheating. But when is sat down and questioned by a lawyer he tells her how he knows all the answers, and ends up telling her his whole life story.
When Ram was younger he was raised by an English priest, who gave him his name, but also gets murdered by a couple of drug dealers. Leaving behind Ram and his Biological son who he has never met. He later moves into an poor condition, literally one room apartment with his best friend Salim, who dreams of becoming a Bollywood movie star.
Later on, a family including a father, mother and a daughter named Smita move in beside them. In that period of time Ram and Smita become very close and soon become „brother and sister“. Ram tries to help comfort Smita when her alcoholic father abuses her and her mother. Soon enough Ram decides enough is enough, and kills Smita’s father, leading to Ram and Salim running away.
While attending a school they get picked by a man who promises to give them a better life, but they later find out that it is all a scam, and the men torture the kids, and make them sing on the street to earn enough money to get dinner. Ram tries to convince Salim to go with runaway with him but Salim won’t go because he still believes that the men will give him his big break! So Ram runs away alone.
TIPP für Schüler: Zur Vorbereitung auf das Abitur oder für Klausuren kann ich diese Lektüre empfehlen; sie enthält professionelle Inhaltsangaben in Form einer Lehrerübersicht. Leicht verständliche Zusammenfassungen und Analysen enthält außerdem diese Lektüre. Vikas Swarups Buch Slumdog Millionaire ist ein Schwerpunktthema im Fach Englisch.
While on the train to go to a new city, a robbery occurs and he ends up killing another man to save his money. In the new city he gets a new job, and becomes a waiter. But later decides to get another one, and becomes the maid of the famous actress Neelima Kumari. Over time Ram finds out Neelima is obsessed with staying young forever because it is the only way she can get main roles in Bollywood movies. Neelima is soon being abused by her boyfriend, which later leads to her to committing suicide. While working for Neelima, Ram meets a young boy by the name of Shankar who shows him a place he could stay. Unfortunately, Shankar gets bitten by a stray dog, and gets rabies and later dies.
Ram decides to go back home, and runs into Salim, who is on the verge of his big break! Ram later becomes a tpur guide at the Taj Mahal. And soon in time he meets a prostitute, Nita, who he later falls in love with. She tells him how she wants to be free, but her pimp, who is her brother demands money from Ram. He finally gets the money to later finds out that Nita has landed in the hospital after being abused. At the hospital Ram makes a decision to give his money to a father who’s son has rabies and needs a vaccine before he dies, reminding him of Shankar.
And this brings us back to the beginning, Ram becomes free, Nita has become free, Salim becomes a Bollywood movie star and Ram finds out that his lawyer is his long time friend, Smita.
„Why does the coin have the same thing on the sides?“ Smita asked
„Because luck comes from within.“ Ram said.
TIPP für Schüler: Zur Vorbereitung auf das Abitur oder für Klausuren kann ich diese Lektüre empfehlen; sie enthält professionelle Inhaltsangaben in Form einer Lehrerübersicht. Leicht verständliche Zusammenfassungen und Analysen enthält außerdem diese Lektüre. Vikas Swarups Buch Slumdog Millionaire ist ein Schwerpunktthema im Fach Englisch.